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Classes & Fees

Types Of Training Classes

Puppy Class - A developmental training course for the 3-to-5-month-old puppy. A puppy class emphasizes socialization with people and other puppies. Will offer information on growth, nutrition, grooming, housebreaking and problem-solving and teach basic household commands.

Basic Class - A basic training course for dogs 5-to-6 months and older, aimed at training you to train your dog. The basic class emphasizes the essential training commands needed to make a dog a good companion: heel on a loose leash, sit, stand, down, stay in position, and come when called.


Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Class - May be a separate class or a part of a beginner class. CGC is a certification program that is designed to reward dogs that have good manners at home and in the community. Your dog will need to know the commands and exercises taught in a basic training class to qualify for a passing score on the CGC test. Dogs that pass the CGC test receive a certificate from the AKC and are recorded in the AKC's Canine Good Citizen Archive.

Training Classes for Companion Events - A variety of classes that prepare students and their dogs for competition in obedience, rally obedience events. You will be instructed in the levels of competition and titles available, how to teach your dog the required exercises, and the regulations that apply when you are competing.

I Train Your Dog lessons:

These lessons are strictly me teaching your dog. These are designed for the individual who just doesn't have the time to work with their dog for a week or for a particular activity. These lessons are $20.00 per hour and are usually 1/2 hour intervals once a day for a minimal of 3 times per week. If you buy 2 hours you get an extra half an hour free so that you can come up 5 times during the week or spread it out.

Drop off your dog for an hour and go do your errands and come back and pick up  after the training session.

Small Group Classes: 8 weeks​​​​​​​​​​
My comprehensive group course is designed to teach you how to train your dog to be a more enjoyable companion utilizing the basic obedience commands.   Group classes provide built-in opportunities to practice with distractions, and to socialize your dog.  Classes are held at convenient locations, and are limited in size to ensure that each student receives quality instruction.

Drop In Classes
Come to any of the classes being offered and come when you can

Obedience Trials

If after training you want to trial your dog in rally obedience or obedience and you don’t want to show it I can do it for you. 200.00 to board and train tor two weeks. The fee to show your dog is $50.00 per day.

All lessons can be on:

Basic Obedience,Competitive Obedience at the CD level

& Rally Obedience All Levels, Therapy dog, Conformation Handling Class

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